An ending....and a new beginning
"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step." -Lao Tzu
Wow!! Seven and a half years of school, finally over! Last Tuesday I graduated from Harrisburg Area Community College with an Associates Degree in Visual Arts/Photography. It took so long because I had to juggle school, a full-time job, kids, house, fiancée, life...but I did it!!!
And, though 7 1/2 years is a long time, and was a lot of work, it was also a lot of fun. Yeah, I know, homework, research, and term papers doesn't really sound like a lot of fun! But, I got to meet a lot of wonderful people, made some very good friends, and leaned TONS about something I Love very much-Photography. I was also extremely lucky to have the love and support of my wonderful family and friends. So, I'm planning on using Everything I learned on this journey, as I start my photography career.
"Every day is a fresh beginning. Every morn is the world made new." -Sarah Chauncey Woolsey
I'm SO excited to begin this new chapter of my life!!
Much love,